The Hybricon Games is a three-day competition hosted by Battle Bunker, that tests athletes through hybrid mental and physical events in order to crown one male and one female with the title "World's Toughest Athlete".
The "HQT" is our online qualifier. We will launch the qualifier mid 2025, and top 24 male and female athletes will receive an invite to the Hybricon Games.
The number of athletes who will compete at the "2025 Hybricon Games"
Austen Alexander is the host of Battle Bunker, media director, hybrid athlete, and founder of AMA Marketing.
Race Director
Hunter McIntyre
Hunter McIntyre is a competitive hybrid athlete, founder of BLDR Sports and HAOS Training, 3x HYROX World Champion, and entrepreneur.
Media Director
Ivan Ivanov
Ivan Ivanov is the Head of Media at Battle Bunker, Director of Media at AMA Marketing, with 16 years in the digital media space.
Operations Director
Matthew Stevens
Matt Stevens is the Head Judge and Founder of Shotfire Fitness and Rally in the Valley. Matt is an active Air Force SERE Instructor out of West Virginia.